Edgington EPC


Zach grew up in suburbs of St. Louis, MO. He is a graduate of Illinois College (B.A. Religion, 2009) in Jacksonville, IL, and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div, 2012) in South Hamilton, MA. Zach has served our congregation in various ways since 2009, beginning as a summer intern, then as full-time pulpit supply, and finally as an ordained Teaching Elder. He loves spending time with his wife, Mackenzie, and their children Paul Thatcher and Cora Elizabeth. He enjoys reading, all aspects of working outside including orcharding and gardening, the (very, very) occasional round of golf, and Notre Dame football.


Committed to the virtue of churchmanship, Zach serves the EPC regionally in Rivers & Lakes Presbytery as chairman of the Ministerial Committee, and member of the Coordinating Council; and nationally as a member of the Permanent Judicial Commission of the General Assembly, and the Ad-Interim Committee on Ordination Standards. Additionally, he provides leadership to the Westminster Society networking group as author and general editor of the Westminster Society Journal.


For more from Zach: Amazon Author Page | Podcast Interviews | Schedule A Meeting

Rev. Zachary A. Hopkins, Pastor 

Lisa grew up in Andalusia, IL. She has worked for Edgington EPC as the office manager since October of 2014.

She loves spending time with her family. She's been married to her high school sweetheart, Matt Bowman since 1990. They have two married daughters, four granddaughters, and one grandson.

When she has time she also enjoys reading, baking, volunteering, exercising, travel, and a host of other things she doesn't have time for. ;)

Lisa Bowman, Office Manager

Edgington EPC


The Session

Edgington EPC follows the New Testament pattern of government by a Session of Elders. These leaders are elected by the congregation and meet rigid spiritual requirements set forth in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. They assume full spiritual authority for the congregation and "shepherd the flock of God" (1 Peter 5:2). The Session is composed of Ruling Elders (congregation members) and Teaching Elders (ordained minsters).

Our Ruling Elders:

Keith Wilson, Clerk of Session

Served as Elder: 2001-2003; 2018-Present
Position on Session: Clerk of Session & Personnel Committee

Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." This verse has guided me when things get tough. It humbles me and reminds me that I’m not in control, and it is only through our Lord that blessings come.
Join Us: First and foremost is the emphasis on fully worshiping God through a focus on the word of God as given to us in the Bible. Secondly, EEPC has an energetic and passionate congregation in which all age groups are represented and welcomed. There are a wide variety of ministries that individuals can get involved with. A particular bright spot for me is the number of young families and children that are involved in the church.

Grow with Us: EEPC has a long and faithful heritage. One of strengths of EEPC over many decades is its emphasis on mission giving. The church has used its resources in local, national, and worldwide missions. We have also been blessed by having had many good and faithful people through many generations serve the Lord. These individuals serve as great examples in the life of the church and provide motivation to continue to serve the community and support missions.

Jim Mueller

Served as Elder 1983-86, 2014-2017, 2019-Present
Position on the board of Session - Session Representative to the Trustees
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish 
but have eternal life.
Matthew 22:37 - And He said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul 
and with all your mind."     
Grow with Us: One of the very first questions we ask our very smallest is "Is the church the building or the people?" I think the quickest way to determine the health of a church is to take notice of the number of children that come to the front of the sanctuary for the children's sermon. To watch and see how they respond to the leadership and answer questions, whether right, or what they think is right, is heartwarming to behold. - The loving innocence of youth! And of course, there are proud parents sitting in the pews determined to see that the seeds are planted that will mature and guide their lives in faith. It's our honor and pleasure to continue the Faith to future generations. 
Join Us: The worship service is delivered with an open Bible in a style that will wet your palate with a craving for more. I'm sure you will leave the service with thoughts of, "I agree", "I never thought of it that way", "I needed that", "That was inspiring", or just "Wow", all to the joy and glee of our inspired pastor. Come, see, and partake in the many aspects of our mission statement at work. "To Glorify God & Enjoy Him Forever."

Kevin Oak

Served as Elder: 1998-2001, 2012-2015; 2016-2023

Position on Session: Christian Education & Personnel Committee

Philippians 2:10-11 -so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 

Check Out: Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan 

Join Us: It’s exciting to be a part of a church and a denomination that holds high The Essentials of The Reformed Faith and is governed in a “grass roots” model of biblical Presbyterianism.


Kevin is on sabbatical leave for 2024.

Mic Penry

Served as Elder: 2004-2007, 2012-2018, 2020-Present

Position on Session: Christian Education

John 17:20 -“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 

Check Out: Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan 

Join Us: I believe a visitor would enjoy and find meaning in the expository preaching that is prominent in this church.

Patrick Shovar

Served as Elder: January 2018-Present
Position on Session: Session Representative to the Deacon Committee, and assist in Sunday worship when needed.

John 3:16-17 - “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

Join Us: I believe you would enjoy the Bible-based preaching of Pastor Zach and the relaxed atmosphere.

Grow with Us: EEPC is  a strong healthy church with a rich heritage in a very small town.

Todd Stegmiller

Served as Elder: January 2023 -Present
I have several favorite verses depending on the situation at hand.  A recent one I have been reflecting on is Romans 8:31-39.

Check Out: Among other books, I am currently reading Mere Christianity by CS Lewis. I had challenged my daughter, Josey, to read it and so now I am reviewing it. I like CS Lewis for his ability to argue from reason and also portray complex issues in simple examples. He is a modern version of John Bunyan. This is helpful to anyone wanting a high level view of faith without trying to get into the intricate details of Christianity.  

Join Us:I always wonder what visitors think when they attend our church. I pray that they find it warm and inviting with a diverse group of folks all striving to be a better Christian than they were yesterday. My favorite picture of this is before worship starts, the laughter & conversations mixed with the sounds of the piano before we begin our service. I have always felt that this is such a sincere and warming picture of how the church should operate.

Grow with Us: I have attended EEPC since week 2 of my life. This church, has influenced my journey as a Christian during several stages of life. What encourages me are the chapters of this story that are not yet written and the opportunity to teach my children similar lessons, values, and knowledge that I have learned at EEPC.

The Board of Deacons

In Acts 6, the Apostles instructed the Church to select servants of good character, full of the Spirit and wisdom, to provide for the physical needs of the congregation. Under the supervision of the Session, the Deacons minister to the church according to the physical needs of its people. They are the caretakers of the people of God.

Our Deacons:

Dorothy Rursch, Chairperson

I have been serving as a Deacon since 2022.


It has been an honor and a blessing to serve as a Deacon for our church family. I have enjoyed meeting and greeting new members to our congregation, visiting with shut-ins and spreading the word of our Lord to others.
I believe the ministry of the Deacons is essential for care of our congregation and a vital service to the physical needs of our church family.
I love the family, fellowship, support, and overall friendly nature of our church community!

Jim Balmer

I have been serving as a Deacon about from January 2022 - Present.

I enjoy getting to know all the church members, being a Deacon makes that possible. Deacon ministry is essential for the health of the church body. A group that is willing to help anyway we can. Our church community is like a large extended family,  seems like every where you go, you see someone from our church.   

Teresa Balmer

I have been serving as a Deacon from January 2022 – Present

Serving as a Deacon at EEPC has been a privilege and a blessing. It has given me the opportunity for spiritual growth and fellowship. I enjoy visiting with our shut-ins and helping to bring a smile and joy into their lives.

The Diaconate ministry is essential to the health of the church because it helps keep our church family connected. The Deacons reflect the heart and hands of the church in our role of caring and service. We reach out to those in our congregation, our shut-ins, and those with various needs.

Our church community does a great job involving the children and teaching God’s Word, whether it’s Sunday school, Kid’s Kirk, or VBS. Edgington EPC plays an important role in the foundation of your child’s life.

As a child, I grew up without any type of religion, so when it’s time for Kid’s Kirk, it melts my heart to see and hear the excitement of the children as they all come thundering down the aisles eager to participate in the week’s lesson. Pastor Zach always makes learning fun, so the kids are very receptive to listening. Reflecting on my life, and now witnessing how EEPC involves the children, I can truly appreciate the importance of teaching the wonderful things that the Bible teaches us at an early age.  

Marlin Krueger

Darcy Krueger

Marlin and I had been Deacon’s many years ago, but our current term as deacons began in 2021.

Marlin grew up in this community, but I did not, so it was a wonderful way for me to get acquainted, because it mainly consists of visiting shut-ins or widows/widowers and getting to know their families. 

The Deacons are quite involved in the life and care of the church, and it is rewarding in more ways than I can mention. We are a ministry team. We each use the talents God has given us to add to whatever event or project we are given to accomplish. Sometimes just a smile is all that is needed. We have learned that everyone, at some time in our congregation, needs our helping hand, a kind word, a hug. Some of our favorites are remembering our college students during finals, May Flowers for shut-ins, sending cards for certain occasions, and looking forward to the reception of communicants and new members.

If you are approached to be a Deacon, please know it is a major commitment, but know your heart will be filled with peace and joy. 

Teresa Weber, Secretary

I have been serving as a Deacon since 2022.

As a Deacon I enjoy visiting with our shut-ins. Even though they cannot physically be with us, they are still with us in spirit. One of the first comments I usually hear during my visits is “What’s happening at church”?

I also enjoy the receptions we hold that give everyone an opportunity to visit with and get to know each other in an informal setting.
I believe that this ministry helps us share our cares and concerns for each other during the different phases of our life, from the very young to our more seasoned members.

I love that our church community hosts some pretty amazing events that span all age groups.

The Board of Trustees

Trustees are the caretakers and stewards of the resources of the people of God. Under the supervision of the Session, the Trustees administer the business and financial affairs of the congregation, as well as the maintenance and management of the church property.

Our Trustees:

Mel Block (Chair), Larry Pithan (Secretary), Ken Benningfield, Barb Freyermuth (Treasurer), Kim Freyermuth, Jeff Fuhr, Phil Fuhr, Darren Hall, Colby Mueller, Cindy Oak, Bill Sloan, and JR Thomas