Edgington EPC


Edgington EPC


Youth Group

Sundays 5:30 - 7:30pm (unless otherwise noted - see newsletter each month for more info.)

For ALL High School Students

Our High School students meet most every Sunday evening to have fun and fellowship. If you have any questions, please contact Cade Reimers at 309-373-2488.

Project Now Meal Site

Every Weekday, 10:45am (except National holiday & unforeseen circumstances)

9-9:30am if you would like to come early and play cards

Meals are available for a suggested donation of $3 to anyone 60+ years or with a disability. If you are new to the program, you need to call 309-788-6335 the day before to request your meal.

Those who attend regularly come early to play cards and enjoy each other’s company for a little longer than just meal time.  

If you would like more information or want to check out the menu for the month click the top image for the link to their website or call 309-788-6335.

Foot Clinic (Formerly UnityPoint's Foot Clinic)

Third Monday of each month, beginning at 9am

Appointments Required

If you would like to receive a pedicure done by a medical professional, please call the church office at 309-795-1713 to schedule an appointment.

The cost is $37 cash or check and you will need to bring a bath towel with you.


(The third Wednesday of most months, 9am - Noon)

Please join us on the third Wednesday of nearly every month from 9am - noon as we create, piece, and sew quilts to present to next year’s graduating seniors, as well as Winnie’s Place.

Even if you don’t know how to sew, but can operate a pair of scissors and/or an iron, we would love to have you! If we can increase our production, we will be able to bless even more people in the community.

Hope to see you there!


Fall Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays at 10am & Wednesdays at 6:30pm for 10 weeks

Beginning Tuesday, September 10th & 11th

Church Basement

We are going through The Wisdom of God, by Nancy Guthrie, book three in her “Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament” series. Wednesday evening's class will be a repeat of the Tuesday morning class, so you have a couple options each week in case your schedule changes.

ALL women are welcome, and it's never too late to join us, so please invite your friends! Each class lasts about an hour. 

This is an in-depth study of the Old Testament Wisdom Literature of the Bible, with the goal of understanding it in the way that Jesus himself taught the disciples to read and understand the Old Testament: with him at the center. As we see not only the wise principles for living in these biblical books, but also the wise person they point to, it will help us to understand the person and work of Christ more clearly which will prepare us to worship him more fully.

A Matter of Balance Classes

Mondays & Thursdays, beginning September 16th

12:30 - 2:30pm

Church Basement

Class is full, but will most likely be offered again in the Spring.

Many older adults experience concerns about falling & restrict their activities. A MATTER OF BALANCE is an award-winning program designed to manage falls AND increase activity levels.

This program emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls. 


  • View falls as controllable
  • Set goals for increasing activity
  • Make changes to reduce fall risks at home
  • Exercise to increase strength & balance

Click on the image for more information.

Memebership Matters - Adult New Member Class

Sundays, October 13th, 20th, 27th, 11:30am

New Member Reception - Sunday, November 3rd, 10am

The class is offered to anyone seeking more information about Edgington EPC; what it means to be a church member, our denomination, what we stand for, and much more. If you have been attending for awhile, but not yet committed to membership, you’re encouraged to check this out! If you are looking to join, you definitely want to mark your calendar and register!

Please scan the QR Code above and fill out the Personal Information/Registration Form by no later than Tuesday, October 8th. It will be automatically submitted to the church office and only viewed by elders and staff. If you have any problems, call the church office at 309-795-1713 or email at edgingtopepc@gmail.com and someone will assist you.

If you are viewing this with your phone the QR Code will be hard to use, so just click the image for the link.

Harvest Party

Church Parking Lot and field

Sunday, October 13th, 4 - 7pm

Who doesn't love a Fall Harvest Party???

Please join us as we welcome fall! There will be food, games for the kids, bounce houses, 'smores, a hayrack ride, and so much fun!

If you are a member of the church, please bring a dish to share. If you are not a member, please just bring yourselves and enjoy!

Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 27th, 4 - 6pm

Edgington EPC Parking Lot

Let's show the community our generous spirit and have LOTS of great candy/toys on hand for all the kiddos! Your creativity with your spaces has been fantastic and we are really looking forward to what you will come up with this year! This has been such a fun way to reach out to our community! We are looking forward to doing it again, and praying for better weather this year after last year's cold wind, rain, and snow!

If you would like to reserve a parking space, please contact the church office at 309-795-1713 or edgingtonepc@gmail.com

Edington EPC