Edgington EPC



As Christians, it is our calling to be faithful to Christ and obedient to the Great Commission. Our hearts' desire and prayer to God is that, through our efforts, all over the world many would receive and rest upon Christ alone as He is offered to them in the gospel.


This calling rests upon five core commitments:


1. The Gospel

We are committed to preaching and proclaiming the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with biblical fidelity and passion. Getting the gospel right, and keeping the gospel central is the non-negotiable foundation of our vision for the spread of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the United States and around the world. Mission agencies or efforts that do not have this as their central purpose, might be offering a genuine service, but are not engaged in the same Kingdom work that we seek to advance.


2. Partnership

We believe in the universal church, and seek to practice the kind of partnership in ministry that the true gospel creates. Building and celebrating dynamic partnerships in mission with churches, church planters, mission-sending agencies, and missionaries is a vital component in fulfilling our vision for mission around the world. We do this through partnership with EPC World Outreach, and other approved organizations that share our core commitments.


3. Church Planting

We believe that the church is the immediate goal of mission and the only divinely ordained instrument for the spread of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ around the world. We are therefore deeply committed to the work of selecting, supporting, sponsoring, and sending church plants and church planters. We do this primarily through EPC's World Outreach and the Engage 2025 effort for Church Planting in Central Asia.


4. Service

As a church, the Lord has blessed us with rich personal, spiritual, and material resources, and we believe that part of our calling is to make use of those gifts wisely and in humility in service of the spread of the gospel. We therefore seek to be deliberate in creating opportunities for short and longer-term mission involvement for the whole congregation.


5. Prayer

While we believe the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, we also believe that the Lord calls us to seek His blessing on gospel ministry. We make it our habit to constantly remember our missionaries, their families, and their ministries each Lord's Day, at our mission committee meetings, in Sunday School, and in many other venues on a regular basis.